Thursday, December 27, 2012


Wow!!! I just watched the views explode!! This morning I do the usual, check the blog stats and I see the stats shoot from 3 views to 500+!! Holy shit!! This is amazing you guys!! You guys deserve yet ANOTHER thank you! I'm sooo happy!!! -squeal- Thank you!! -hugs the 500 viewer audience- >.< So much people to hug!! Thank you all! Please keep sharing us!! Thank you ALL AGAIN!!! I know this was a very short post but.. I just wanted to say thank you. That's all^-^

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Flow Free.

Name. Flow Free.
Developer. Big Duck LLC.
Price? Free. <3
Devices. Computer, iPod/iPhone/iPad (mini too, probably), anything with Google Play.

This game is addictive, and luckily, free. *coughcheapasiancough*
Uh, it's FREE. Cough. Sneeze. Die.

It's a logic puzzle game, but you aren't timed. The objective of the game is to create a 'flow' between matching color dots, like in the picture. Yellow connects to yellow, and so on and so forth.
You're expected to cover every square on the board with either a dot or part of a flow.

Play the game for PC here. :D

I know. I haven't been here for a month. (EXACTLY A MONTH.) I've been neglecting my blogs. -.-"
And I got drunk on apple cider for Christmas, so I have a nose-bubble-hangover. Aghhhhh.
BUT I'M BACK. (Perhaps not for long, but I have returned. Temporarily, just to be safe. My fuzzy socks kind of disapprove.)

I started League of Legends. I suck at it at the moment. The tutorial's confusing, but the graphics are pretty kick-a**. :)

Yeah, this post was short.

Tennie, you losers.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Yo. Hi. Sup. Konnichiwa. Yo~

Hey!!! I'm surprised I never did a post like this!! XD and I'm like... The creator? Wow... Fail~ :3 Wonder why I'm this horrible at blogging and I'm a host at one.. I shall continue with the main purpose of the post^-^

Favorite Games

Well well well.... I am going to talk about my favorite games so I can try to get some likes from all of you and I will give a shot commentary for each.

League of Legends

OMG. I freakin love this game like it's my soulmate!! <3  My favorite champions in League are Warwick, Kayle, and my ultimate favorite, Ahri.

The reason why I love Warwick is because after I finish his build, his attack speed added with his life steal makes him better than Master Yi!! He can literally tear you up into pieces! Yes that's how awesome he gets with MY build! Did I mention how awesome his moves are? He's able to get 1/4 of his life with just one move then possibly half with his ultimate move! Badass right?! Right! ^-^

The reason why I love Kayle is because she can become both a range and a melee! I think that is pretty badass! With her righteous fury move(the one where her sword catches on fire and she becomes s range), if you build it up with tons of attack speed, she can clear out any lane in a snap!! Then her Q move(don't know the name) slows down her target so she's able to use Righteous Fury to finish the person off! 

Now for my ultimate favorite...AHRI!! Yesh... I like her so much that I name myself after her! Her charm move is pretty good if your trying to save someone that's getting butt fucked in game! Charm makes the person that gets hit attack you instead of your allies! The her ultimate, you can technically use it 3 times before you go to cooldown. Of course, you have to use them in order in some sort of time order or else it gets in cooldown. Don't worry people.. She's not that OP anymore(TT-TT Anymore...)! Stack her up so much with ability power and she can take down anyone, anytime! Oh Ahri! You're the best everrrr~!



Hello Topic I want to rant on!! Oh sweet moon! Where should I start?!

I, to be honest, really like it how Minecraft doesn't have a story line(well it does if you buy mods)! That just means you can do all the shit  you want! That sound fun right?! You can walk around, kill people, rob villages, and.....plant roses!! Sounds fun as hell right?!

Plus, I just love the multiplayer stuff! I mainly play on this capture the flag server! Of course, I'm not the one that gets the flag and captures it(even though it's the point of the game). i'm the one that stays back and defends and a archer!! The other server I like it Hunger Games... Thought at times, it gets suuper filled! It has like over 100 people at times. O_o Why not just 24 like the real movie/book. 

NEXT AND LAST GAME(dont wanna rant to much.)


OMG!11 I freaking love this game!!! GAHHH~!!! I sooo wanna rant on this!!

The graphic... It will not be the best graphics you see. I'm not kidding. The graphics plainly suck. But I don't really care about the graphics as long as the game is good and has a nice story line.

THE STORY LINE IS...AHH!! SO AMAZING! I just love it! Depending on which road you take, you will either cry tears of happiness or tears of sadness. So far, I cried tears of sadness... But when i watched pewdie's Let's Play, I cried tears of joy when he replayed it just to get the best ending! <3

One more reason why I love this game is because of.... GARRY!! He's so mysterious, and kind, and strong, and, the best part, HE'S A PYROMANIAC!! <3 GAHH!!! HE'S MY SOUL MATE!!! CAN WE GET MARRIED YET?!<333 Garry-kun~~ I just wanna hug you and make you mine~ FORGET IB!! I'm a pyro like you~~


Other random shit you might wanna know

Name: Allyssandra R. Eullo
Blog Name: Ahri-chan
Signature: *~Ahri-chan~*
Age: .....under 21
Birthday: April 9
Gender: Female
Bio: I've been a gamer since I was 9-10. The very first video game I ever touched was InuYasha Feudal Combat. This is also around the same time I got into anime. The very first game I got serious about was Pokemon: Diamond. I got out of Pokemon sadly so...yea..

Out of the gaming business, I am an average gamer girl that is willing to do anything to help her friends. I am very happy with my best friends(which are the staff including two others) I have now and all the other bitches and just GTFO! ^-^ I love the color black. I love wolves. My favorite bands are Evanescence, Breaking Benjamin, Nickelback, etc. I hate pink. I hate lynx. I don't like Justin Bieber or 1Direction.

Okay I'm done. You guys must be tired of reading this. Okay. I'm done. CYA GAMERS!!

Merry Christmas Gamers!


I just wanna thank every single on of you from being here, reading our blogs and shit! I know this blog isn't as famous as other ones but I'm still happy to our current viewers! I wanna thank every single one of you for being here for us. A bigger thank you for the viewers that have been here when it was just me here!! Thank you for staying loyal and being her from the damn beginning to now!

Next, I wanna thank the staff here. Tennie, Roxas, and Kiba! I wanna thank you guys for accepting my request of needing more people on my blog. Thank you all! Without you guys, I bet this blog would be at 100 views.. ^-^" All of your styles put together in one blog makes this blog even more awesome then a forever alone girl with ADHD! :3 So... Thank you! I just feel so happy to have you guys on my blog and in my life! So...big thanks to you guys.

(time to sound very religious)
Next, I thank god for giving me a chance to be able to do this. With out you. I wouldn't be here right now and i wouldn't be able to meet these amazing people in my life right now! Yes, you did make me meet some bitches but that's only so I can live through the pain and become stronger. Thank you for everything and Happy Birthday~!

Once again, I would like to thank everyone again. I am so happy to have amazing viewers and an amazing staff! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

That's all I have to say. Merry Christmas to you all and I hope you have a Happy New Years! Cya Gamers~~!


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

New blogger

Hey guys as u can tell I'm a new blogger and I'm thankful that my friends invited me to blog on this web page. That's all take care and PEACE OUT!
(-cough cough- YO ADD A SIGNATURE DUDE!! *~Ahri-chan~*)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

What's Different?

Hey there gamers! I changed the blog up a bit and maybe you guess should check it out! Yes I will be making posts like these every time something has changed... WAIT~!! I can make Saturday my "What's Different?" Post!!! ^-^ Yay~

Anyways! We finally had our new admin, Roxas, post something for once! The post should be right below this. If not, just search for it. He is an awesome gamer and I believe you guys will like it! We are still waiting for the other admin. Apparently he has no idea how to post so.. He won't post til someone shows him to.

Moving on! I also posted a post the has my schedule on in which I will re-post every... 3 months because I usually come up with new ideas for what to post about every 3 months but since I came up with something in... a day.... I'll just update it and no re-post. Please check it out and not your calendars for my post if you want to! ^-^

Going on! Our other admin, Tennie, has posted a rant about a game on the App store. Yes she will be the one talking about game on the App store while I do the ones that or on consoles like the Xbox, PS3, Wii, WiiU, etc. You get the point right? Good^-^ 

Out of the post genre. I have added a new page called "FAQ" so we can prevent spam from the same questions being asked over and over again for the future. If you have any questions, concerns, or a problem, please comment here or on the FAQ and that question will be answered ASAP. 

I also updated the About the Gamers page! I added stuff to my about me because it thought my first try at it was very stupid. I added very informational info to there so you should check it out if you wanna know about the "big boss" *~Ahri-chan~*

Well... I think that's all we have this week am I correct? If not, I'll add it to next weeks post. I shall see you gamers on Monday for my RotW! Cya later gamers! And as always... Keep gaming! ;)